20th Anniversary Edition of Corners: Grace & Bea Nettles

corners-lulu1.jpgcorners.jpgYou can purchase the new hand-colored edition of Corners from LULU. This 7.5" square book of 75 poems by Grace Nettles, was originally printed in the 70's as part of a mother/daughter collaboration. Included are memorable images of heartbreak,forgiveness, love and loss. Divided into four chapters based on the seasons and major milestones of life.Go to LULU to place an order:http://www.lulu.com/content/4883958The Three Moon Sisters by Grace NettlesThe full moon has gone madAnd slidDown to the windy places where the dog-howls go to die.Then for a spellRules Hecate the dark.With what reliefAnd always some surpriseWe see you reappearAmber sliverMona Lisa of the western skies.


Maternal Legends: Exhibit at 23 Sandy in Portland


I've Published a Bookbinding Textbook, Cooking the Books: A Concise Guide to Bookbinding