Books now located in University of Washington's Special Collections Library

This month in Seattle, several of my artists' books were acquired by the University of Washington for their extensive artists' book collection. They now have a good selection of my limited edition books. Recently added were: The Imaginary Blowtorch, The Elsewhere Bird, The Nymph of the Highlands, Of Loss and Love, Swamp Lady Card Deck, (all from the 70's) and recent books: Victor Nettles Memorial, Family Resemblances, The Passage of the Ruby Ring, and 14 Mysteries.The Imaginary BlowtorchThe Elsewhere BirdThe Nymph of the HighlandsOf Loss and LoveSwamp Lady Card DeckVictor Nettles MemorialFamily ResemblancesPassage of the Ruby Ring14 Mysteries


Sewing Basics Workshop: October 4,2008


Leather Binding Workshop rescheduled for September 6-7