DANTE ENTERS HELL, a new book is finished.

After months of work, my interpretive version of Dante's Inferno has been completed using family names that I have collected by photographing in cemeteries across the country. The paper version is available for $30 using Paypal. You will find it if you scroll down at my store here: http://www.beanettles.com/store/?page_id=348dante-slipcase-web1-dante2-dante3-dante4-dante5-dante6-dante7-dante8-danteFrom the introduction to the book.During my travels to cemeteries for more than five years I have photographed over five thousand last names on headstones that are parts of speech. With these words I have created books that investigate language, history, and some of life's events. The inspiration to write my version of the Inferno occurred to me after I had located the surnames Dante, Virgil and Styx. I had already found Beatrice, Heaven and Hell.What followed were months of reading translations and summaries and beginning to write my adaptation. Next the photographs were assembled and edited for clarity. In addition to being symbolic and sophisticated, Dante's journey down through the nine circles is graphic and visual. I have tried to keep my version simple enough for the first time reader, while recounting his progress as accurately as my limited words would allow. As I unwittingly punned to an incredulous friend, mine is a plot summary.© Bea Nettles 2016


Landscape Pocket on view at Portland Museum of Art


Nettles Soup included in the Photographers Cookbook